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How amazing are my dogs

Updated: Nov 24

Check out these photos and come in person if you want a dog

My grand father brought my mummy jack Russel’s when I was a child

he brought them from Belfast and castlewellan

his daddy was

Joe Thompson the vet from bank buildings castle wellan. my grandfathers brothers were vets too.

Working on horses and animals of all kinds.

My great grand father built my kennels

Through my daddy.

my great grand father my grands father and his brothers would love my dogs

Below I have added photos of them and their dogs in their day.

check out that gorgeous cocker sat middle of the photo.

I know my great grand father and my great uncles would be so proud of me, with my license and my dogs and they would be here helping me, if they were alive.

It’s their legacy.

My great grandfather Joseph Thompson was a cousin of lord kelvin the scientist, there is a statue to him in botanical gardens for his work in zero, belfasts scientist.

here is aunt dolly, with a cat on her shoulder, she was a mental health nurse and worked in Dublin, and that’s joe her brother he was a vet with his other brother and his father. They covered the whole of Co Down, area.

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